Labels:text | screenshot OCR: A Basic Introduction written Ing ation Between Musical Instruments weeds finally began "conversing" in the 1900's, & revoluties Bay to another! "play middle C. K strength, then play Ef. a little louder". The second listens" to this dialogat, and plays the nodes la fare , as lony derstand the Jampaige sted. The ""lamange" that is nou shared by c musical Instruments is called "WID". Be fact, the only link is the chala with its own is you the masbean the lastesments Interpret auf performance by "translating" it MIDI" Is considered to be "the language which is used to send Information" from one Instrunest to another". Is a relatively new concept, it has already becane a household Ital Istertact ipar reference. MIDI stands for "Thesical ft Compositions and ferangeneens Kouws R.Craft Cheshire. W ...